Sunday, March 29, 2009

TSTT using VOIP for helpdesk?

I am on the phone talking to an Indian "Alan" about getting an additional email address on my Blink account. First you get to talk a local CSR and she said she could not hear me so I had to repeat myself a few times. She transferred me to Alan who asked me if I was on a cell phone, but I am on a landline. I was hearing him properly but he was not hearing me. To tell him the address I wanted I had to spell each letter out and some he did not understand so he replied with : ...R as in Romu(never heard this word before), I as in India, L as in Lima....

Coming to the end of the conversation now and I did miss a second of sound when it went silent mid sentence.

Im inside the gmail powered account now and i see "This account is open in 1 other location (121.XX.XXX.130). Last account activity: 2 minutes ago." so Alan was in there with me. I did have to call a few times because I did not send an email with the proper info to get the account created, but for this problem I am satisfied that they did their job well.

Another point is that I hate TSTT's automated section where u have to dial a number to get different sections. A couple of them do not say press 0(zero) for a real person, but you can do this. I also hate that u have to listen to the recording telling you that they are open 24hrs a day on the phone now, although if u press a number it will be recognised, for anybody else who calls as often as I do and has the numbers memorised.

Also some sections asks you to enter the number you are calling about, and after you enter it you go to a real person who guess what- asks you what number you are calling about. This time though I did not have to type the number in, it was recognised and read to me so it picked up the number I was calling from and the Indian guy knew my number, but not sure if the Trini guy knew it.

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