When trying to get a vacation spot: "Hawaii is a former leper colony on top of an active volcano where the disappointing ending to Lost was filmed"
Sheldon on Big Bang Theory, S5 Ep 16

Friday, February 22, 2013

HP printer regionalization reset

I saw a HP AIO 3050 that was refusing to use a HP 61 black and color toner. On the cover where you go to change the cartridge says use HP 122, but the manuals found online say HP 61 which is what was bought without checking the printer.

HP tech support says I need to buy the 122 ink as indicated or I can change the region settings of the printer to use the 61. This change can only be done once or twice at most and makes the printer use one particular number, not both at the same time. I had to call 1-866-408-5408 for instructions if I wanted to change the region. In my case the correct 122 will be bought to go into the printer.

Topics: Incorrect toner cartridge for HP printer.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

So that's what instrument they used..

I saw it on Big Bang theory, I did not know of this before, cool instrument!

Friday, February 8, 2013

I know something

I met a guy today who bought a 1TB hard drive from a big name seller because he could not find a 1TB for his specific laptop on amazon... He was about to pay for advice if necessary from the big name company to find out about cloning to the new hd but I told him to use the free easeus utility. Over the last few weeks I have seen more than ever that simple details can be very powerful, and that using that knowledge can be very potent. The trick is making sure you ask the right questions, and speaking to the right people.. Not everyone has the right answer.